Saturday, October 2, 2010

Rotary is Good for Business

This month is Vocational Month.  Vocational Service (VS) is the second Avenue of Service.
There are many Clubs that struggle with how to incorporate this into their programme.
I have discovered this wonderful resource that I believe will assist Clubs.
District 5230 has a resource which I am using here to promote VS in our District..

Question:  "What is VS?" The short answer is simply:
  1. Adherence to and promotion of the highest ethical standards in all occupations.
  2. The recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, not just your own.
  3. The contribution of your vocational talents to the problems and needs of society
A resource worth a read!!
The material states:  I like the fact that this District has gone back to the 1905 Rotary basics, when founder Paul Harris conceived Rotary in an effort to not only have fellowship, but the opportunity to encourage Rotarians to do business with each other. Yes, you heard right! Rotarians having an opportunity to do business with each other without the threat of being fined. 
VS is the basic foundation on which Rotary membership is built.
PDG Mary Margaret Fleming (from District 5230) believes when we allow Rotarians to do business with each other, Rotary membership will soar! Just think about it. How many times has your club inducted a new member, then when the new member realizes he cannot network, talk about and/or subtly solicit interest in his business product, ultimately that individual resigns from Rotary. Imagine the possibilities of how much our businesses would increase if all Rotarians did business with each other. 

Vocational Service Toolkit

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