Friday, October 8, 2010

RYPEN - to be experienced!

The Rotary Youth Programme of Enrichment has a purpose of developing and coordinating a residential weekend seminar for secondary school students between the ages of 14-17 years, but more suitable for Year 10 students to fit in with the school programmes. It aims to encourage self-development, broaden horizons culturally and socially and to help young adults to become better citizens.
It caters for the person who may not have been outstanding but who shows qualities of courage, perseverance and steadfastness in everyday life.  It to promotes integrity, teamwork & participation, friendship & social interaction, respect for other people & their cultures, accountability, empowerment and leadership.

Bill Byford & friend
Strangers only hours ago!

Well that is how the web pages describe RYPEN.  But it really jumps to life when you take part.  Jenny and I have just returned from a trip to the Kawhatau Outdoor Pursuits Centre - 20 km inland from Mangaweka.  A very scenic drive through parapara landscape finally had us arriving at the Centre where we met Bill Byford.  Bill is a member of the Taihape Rotary Club that has run RYPEN for the last 20 years.  Supported by a wonderful group of Rotarians and partners, close to 50 children were busy stretchering one of their own group some distance back to camp - their lashing of poles proved a challenge for some.  Jenny and I found them huffing and puffing, but mainly shouting and encouraging each other to race back to camp.  You could not believe that only hours before these young people were getting off the bus or out of cars as strangers.  Colin Baird, a member
The prospect of food!
of the original group who started these events in 9940, showed us the 'campus' - using an old school and by adding some dormitory rooms and decking, they have made it a wonderful centre.  Run by a separate Trust, this facility is used throughout the year.  After a group briefing, the attendees all moved quickly into the dining room where we were all served a wonderful meal prepared by the Rotarian team.   Unfortunately Jenny and I had to leave after only 3 hours in order to get back home.  But in the short time there we met fellow Rotarians totally commited to this programme, supportive partners, a excellent facilitator (Albert Dodunski) and the excited young people. 
Fun, fun and more fun working as a team
What a wonderful programme - long may it continue - in fact, our District should have more than just the one annually as it is proving to be so popular and certainly changes lives.  As we left the camp of expectant young people were busy thinking of tomorrow as they will be heading off to Waiouru to be taken through their paces by NZ Army personnel.  And then there is the kayaking, the confidence courses and the various other sessions planned.  Thanks Taihape for keeping this programme going for the last 20 years.  More Rotarians should experience this event - it certainly opened my eyes!!

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