Monday, October 25, 2010

New Water web site


 PDF of Newslettter here ...


We're delighted to present Wasrag's new website:

Our old website served us well - but we think you will find this new, redesigned format easier to navigate.  And, you will find many more resources at your fingertips.

Please take a few minutes to browse through the sections and to explore all these new options.  If you see areas for improvement or have suggestions for new items, please contact us at:

In closing I'd like pay a huge vote of thanks to Nancy Gilbert, our Marketing Communication Team Leader.  Nancy, working with Wasrag's Operations Team, has spent countless hours bringing this project to completion.  And in the process, is helping us take a big step forward in Wasrag's mission to support Rotary clubs as they bring safe, sustainable water and sanitation to those in desperate need of these essentials.

Yours in Rotary,
Ron Denham
Ron Denham, Chair
Water & Sanitation Rotarian Action Group
PDF of Newslettter here ...

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