Sunday, October 24, 2010

A song - a show - see you Sunday!!

Nicci and dad at "full throttle"
Last night Jenny and I had my two daughters come for a meal. We enjoyed a good old fashion family evening - minus Jenny's two boys and my son - but it was good to catch up with Mim and Nicci. We had cause to look at past photos (as you do) and this one surfaced. Nicci and I performed for a local Music Hall event a few years ago in the local City to Sea Museum in Wellington. It is also caused me to further think of ways to promote our event in Wellington this coming Sunday. I ask all those who are close enough to travel to Wellington to make sure they support our concert in the Old St Paul's. Last report was that 100 tickets had been sold but we need to triple that. I have agreed that we contribute the proceeds to Canterbury Earthquake Appeal.  There will be door sales.
For more details go here ...

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