Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Waikanae - synergy near the surf!

AG Deb and husband Neville
One very well prepared Sergeant
A pensive President Barry
 After meeting with President Barry's board I knew this was yet another Club that was to impress me with their focus and their vision.  As well as surveying their members to determine the key vital signs for a healthy Club, President Barry had members vote on those projects they wanted to adopt for this year.  The list was impressive.  Their task now is to make their Actions Count!  Here is a Club loaded with years of experience - a veritable 'brains trust' of knowledge.  The chance to meet everyone was soon realised as Jenny and I drove from Raumati South (where President Barry lives) to the alternative meeting venue in Waikanae.  What a meal - there goes my 60 Club diet!!  The company was warm and friendly (I'd expect nothing else) and the banter was lively and friendly.  The sergeant session was putting everyone into local political roles and was cleverly done.  After I had spoken to the Club there were some very thoughtful questions from members on the need for national marketing, reviewing costs for Clubs and the role of the District in promotion.  This challenging questioning was a sign this Club has been challenged and is ready to move forward.  As I left I heard one member say, 'We need to get cracking on that electronic sign'.  Go Waikanae.

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