District 9940 is one of 100 selected Districts out of the 530 world-wide to be involved in the Future Vision Pilot.
Highlights this year have been:
- The conducting of 3 Future Vision Workshops around the District in March of last year
- The qualification of Clubs and The District in order to access and use Foundation funding
- The submission and selection of District Grant projects
- Receiving the funding from The Rotary Foundation for a selection of projects
- Selecting and obtaining approval for a Global Grant funded vocational scholar - Catherine Harwood sponsored by RC of Mt Victoria (End of the road....)
- Using the online portal for applying. approving and reporting on the Grant process
- District 9940 being cited in the January edition of the monthly Future Vision Plans News as a model for other FVP Districts to use in making application for District Grants.
District 9940 has received a further comment in this recetly received Future Vision Update stating:
Global grant scholarship awarded to support peace studies
The Rotary Club of Rottemeren, The Netherlands (District 1600) and District 9940 (New Zealand) are working together to provide a scholarship for a New Zealand student to study in the Netherlands. Funded by a global grant, the student will receive a Master of Laws with a specialization in peace, justice, and development. After completing her studies, she plans to work as a lawyer, defending and advancing human rights through advocacy and research. This scholarship is aligned with the peace and conflict prevention/resolution area of focus.
Read more here....