Tuesday, November 30, 2010

End of the road....

Well not quite.,,,

Tonight Jenny and I were welcomed into the Mt Victoria Club for a final DG Visit - we had visited them prior but the venue was not suitable for the usual presentation.  It was a pleasure to relax and enjoy time with this small but active Club which meets in the Wellesley Club in the centre of Wellington on a Tuesday evening.  It was good to also have Catherine Harwood present.  Catherine is the first Vocational Scholar under the Future Vision Plan and will be funded using a Global Grant for 2011/2012 - going to District 1600 in The Netherlands.
My message to Mt Vic was simply:  change or fade away - embrace change, become more knowledgeable about Rotary, modify and adapt, invigorate and energise in order to develop new projects and new members.  Under President Ian's leadership the Club will do well. 

Simply irresistible!
I developed another acronym - likening a good Club to a great 'pav' - a New Zealand favourite.  A great 'pav' is hard to resist - it makes my mouth water just thinking of it sitting there ready to be eaten.  For a Club to be attractive and to make me want to join it must have the following ingredients -

P = people, members that are welcoming, committed, friendly, passionate and true 'rotarians';
A = activities. with a programme that connects with the community, that has a 'cause' and is vibrant and engaging of all members; and finally the
V = venue - one that is enjoyable to be in, good food, well appointed, local and within easy reach for members.  I see Mt Victoria Club as being a very good 'pav' - the next step is to put it on the table i.e. to ask Wellingtonians to consider joining a dynamic group of like minded individuals.

I like RID Stuart's "core essence" statement which states:  Rotary is a world wide network of inspired individuals who translate their passion into relevant social causes to change lives in communities.