Friday, February 18, 2011

Dave on a crusade for ERKs

President Doug Hutchinson presenting ERK Convener
Dave Wilson with a cheque for $1200 for ERK's.
Dave and Margaret Wilson District Convener for ERK's recently visited Hawera Club along with Robin Aitken (RNZWCS Committee and member of New Plymouth West Rotary Club).  Dave gave an excellent presentation on the Emergency Response Kits benefits and use in the South Pacific.  Dave told me that this meal tonight was their third Rotary Meeting Meal in one day?  Now that is dedication to the cause.
Dave & Margaret Wilson with Robin Aitken
enjoying Hawera hospitality.

President Doug commented, "Our Club was pleased to be able to support this very worthy project and I had the pleasure to give Dave a cheque for $1,200 to secure two ERK’s."

For more information go here
Emergency Response Kits