Thursday, August 12, 2010

Emergency Response in the Pacific

Rotary New Zealand World Community Service (RNZWCS) celebrates its 25th Anniversary in October 2010.
Disasters – whatever the cause – often results in huge numbers of people in need of basic items of house wares, clothing, tools, toiletries, medical, sanitary and miscellaneous items. The initial challenge is to get humanitarian aid to those displaced immediately.
Emergency Response Kits provide immediate relief to victims of natural and other disasters. The length of time a community takes to recover varies enormously, but would be further impaired but for the distribution of this practical support by Rotary at the time of most need.
The beneficiaries of Emergency Response Kits are the people of Oceania/South Pacific including Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji, Western Samoa, American Samoa, Tonga, Kiribati, Cook Island etc, affected by cyclones and other natural disasters.
New Zealand Rotary Clubs and Rotarians for the past 30 years have been providing Emergency Response Kits in a timely manner.
Changing weather pattern forecasts support the need for this project to be maintained and enlarged.
To mark our 25 years of activity, Rotary New Zealand is making this project a number one priority to ensure we have sufficient stocks for our Pacific Neighbours when the need arises.
For additional details, download a brochure from
Details for making payments are on the back of the brochure and for individuals is tax deductible.
Rotary New Zealand acknowledges the financial support from the New Zealand Government (NZAP).

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