Friday, August 6, 2010

A great Bulletin article - Carterton

AS TO THE BIGGER, BETTER, BOLDER FUTURE – We are looking forward to the Visioning session which will set the Club on its path for the next few years. Please think about what we are doing well now, what we could do better, what we don’t enjoy and should be dropped or amended . Everyone’s ideas are important as we need collective buy-in if we are to remain relevant, enjoyable and contributing.
It may seem drastic but the Rotary Club of Crawley, Australia. found the formula which worked for them. In November, 2009, a core group of six experienced Rotarians (average age 65+ including four Past Presidents) decided that if they wanted radical change it was easier to start a new Rotary Club than try to change an existing club, where most members were perfectly happy with the traditional model.
One month later, boasting 31 Charter Members, they applied for Charter of the RC of Crawley. Breakfast meetings commenced in February, 2010 with 60 members, mostly new to Rotary, Currently their membership stands at 85 and they expect to reach their target membership of 90. The average age of members is 45 years with a large contingent under 35 the youngest being 20 years-of-age.

- extract from RDU August 2010 p10
The Rotary Club of Crawley is about developing relationships that make a difference to business and to the community. The Club provides its members with many opportunities for service and fellowship.

1. Enact the ideal of service as a worthy way to “give back” to the community
2. Promote friendship and fellowship based on high ethical standards, common courtesies, humour and caring.
3. Seek the active contribution of members through collaboration with like-minded people.
4. Minimise the management structure and associated processes and positively foster member’s involvement in decision-making
5. Leverage the expertise and strengths of our members involvement in Club activities according to their capability and capacity
6. Use modern communications technologies to expedite business and expand Club activities.
7. Be relevant to a younger group by being flexible and responsive to their needs.
8. Provide experienced Rotarians to mentor younger members
9. Offer those of limited finances a way to participate by contributing in kind
10. Encourage young members in the 20-30 age groups by providing sponsored membership fees and meals for a period of time.

What are our guiding principles? 
From Carterton Bulletin - 09 August

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