"Hi everyone. The time is rolling on! It seems only a few weeks ago that Melva and I said “why don’t we go back to India to help with the next polio immunization programme”! One thing led to another and here we are almost into September with 38 wonderful interested people thinking about going with us! The news from India and other polio infected parts of the world is amazing – the incidents of polio outbreaks are becoming few and far between. Have we really licked Polio? Perhaps this might be the last year that Rotarians from around the world will be needed to support the ongoing need for polio immunization. Who knows!

The tentative dates are: 9 January and 6 February 2011. These are similar to last year when our group was there. We need 3 days for Polio – 1st day preparation, briefing and promotion (foreigners are an attraction to get people to come out for the programme) and 2nd and 3rd day for immunization. So whilst we need to be cautious with the dates I personally feel that we could work around those and get started!

1. Jim Greenhough is progressing his proposal for funding a television documentary on our journey.
2. The NZ High Commissioner in Delhi has been briefed on our visit and has offered to host a reception in the NZ High Commission for us (if our programme allows time?)
3. Colin and Jan Alford from Eastern Hutt will be in India working with our District water, sanitation and horticulture project in Ruchi and would like to join us for the NID days. So to will be George Borthwick from Courtney Place who was born in India and who will at that time be assisting his brother at a hospital there.
Kind regards
Here is the current list going:

Linton and Heather Adams – Hutt City
George Beaton – Takaro
Susan and Allan Binks – Auckland
Murray and Shona Brockelsby – Hutt City
Ann Dale – Tawa
Michael and Heather Fagg – Karori
Francis Fanning – Wgtn South
Jim and Eileen Greenhough – Wgtn South
Deb and Neville Gimblett (and daughter) – Foxton
Brian and Eleanor Henry - Tawa
Gaylene Lines – Tawa
Ken and Margaret Linkhorn - Auckland Robin and Carol Maud – Hutt City
Graeme Millward – Marton and Helen de Leeuw – Makino
Liz and Victoria Sutton – Tawa
Pat and Melva Waite – Tawa
Ron and Margaret Wilson – Hutt City
For polio days only (will be in India at that time)
Colin and Jan Alford – Eastern Hutt George Borthwick – Courtenay Place