Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The race is on to be a 100% Centurion Club

The Centurion Club
As a Rotarian you are invited to make a personal contribution to the Rotary Foundation and be part of the District 9940 Centurion Club.
What is The Centurion Club?
The Centurion Club was introduced in District 9940 by Past District Governor Judy Bain in 2003 as a means by which individual Rotarians and others could donate a minimum of $100.00 to The Rotary Foundation, AND obtain tax relief as a donation to a charitable trust (All donations qualify for a 33% rebate rate with no limit). There is no maximum level of donation to The Centurion Club.
How to Join?
It is simple and easy. Just fill in a form, obtained by downloading from the District website, enclose a cheque or request a "direct debit" mandate form, and post it off to Christopher Robertson, the District Centurion Administrator.
His address is shown on the form. To obtain the form, click here and download it in PDF format. When complete, print two copies, and send one to Chris Robertson, retaining the other copy for your files.
Chris will route the money received from you through Guardian Trust and the New Zealand Rotary Club Charitable Trust so that you, the donor can derive the tax benefit, and you will receive in due course a receipt that can be used to support your claim for a tax rebate.

Public recognition of a contribution to The Centurion Club is by presentation of a certificate and pin at a club meeting, presented by either the District Governor or the Assistant Governor. This is encouraged, as a means of promoting the scheme. However, it is recognised that some Rotarians wish to have their contributions remain confidential, and such confidentiality will be respected, if requested.
Find out more about the Rotary Foundation (FAQ's) HERE

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