Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Rewards and awards at Porirua Sundown

DG Howard, brother Bevan, June and Jenny
President Wendy leading the meeting
President Wendy, Wayne Poutoa, DG Howard, Jenny Poutoa
Tonight we visited Porirua Sundown.  Here is a Club that has a great history and meets in the Mungavin Blues Restaurant - a lovely old building reflecting the history of the area.  We met with the leaders of the Club, ably led by President Wendy - and each Director explained their plans and the programme was presented - including Healthy Heroes in local schools, 264 Dictionaries delivered to Year 4 children, Market Clean up (working with the Lions Club), RYPEN and IYE programme involvement, movie nights, fashion shows and a 'Night in the Garden'.  Their Christmas Wrapping raises over $6,000 which they share with the local Zonta Group.  This is a Club of 25 members and 24% of the membership are Centurions, donating $100 per year to the Foundation.  The meeting was lively and two awards were given.  One to a long standing Bevan Smith who received an Attendance Certificate for 38 years of membership.  The other was a Commendation Certificate to a non-Rotarian - Wayne Poutoa - a local social worker with an ability to work effectively with the youth in Waitangirua.  He was introduced by Peter Savage.  It was good to see my brother Bevan at the meeting - his wife June Campbell-Tong.  Again I was ably supported by Jenny, and AG Glynis and husband Fred.  Good also to catch up with our District Support Chair Dale Williamson and Jenny.  A great night - but boy, did it rain!!!

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