Wanganui will always be home town to Past RI President Bill Boyd, it’s where he grew up and most importantly to him, the place where he met his wife, Lorna.
I July 2011 will see Bill become the Chair of the Rotary Foundation, the first New Zealander to hold this prestigious position.
Bill used stories to illustrate the importance of the Rotary Foundation. The first was of a girls’
secondary school in Nigeria that did not have a water supply. The girls were required to bring water to school and classes were required to stop when the water ran out. Two Rotary clubs stepped in and, with Rotary Foundation help, were able to install a water supply. A real benefit to the education of the girls.
Another story, also from Nigeria was of a school in a slum , a tin shed where volunteers funded by Rotarians taught the children. In that very poor community it was a sign of caring and hope to the children.
Several years ago the Rotary Foundation realised that if it spread itself too thin there was a danger of achieving nothing; so the Future Vision plan was developed. There are now 6 key areas that align with the Millenium goals of the United Nations and the Rotary
International Strategic Plan. (Our own district, 9940, is a pilot district for this plan)
It was recognised that there are a many developing countries in the world where infant mortality, maternal mortality, low levels of participation in Education poor health status and poverty are rife. A strategic approach is required. The Foundation has developed three goals: The eradication of polio where there is significant progress; Creating a sense of ownership by every Rotarian in the Rotary Foundation and; Working towards a revamped Foundation. The end of polio is in sight with significant reductions in new cases in the few countries where it is still endemic.
Bill received a well deserved standing ovation for his speech.
Check out Wanganui Daybreak's excellent Bulletin here ...
I July 2011 will see Bill become the Chair of the Rotary Foundation, the first New Zealander to hold this prestigious position.
Bill used stories to illustrate the importance of the Rotary Foundation. The first was of a girls’
secondary school in Nigeria that did not have a water supply. The girls were required to bring water to school and classes were required to stop when the water ran out. Two Rotary clubs stepped in and, with Rotary Foundation help, were able to install a water supply. A real benefit to the education of the girls.
Another story, also from Nigeria was of a school in a slum , a tin shed where volunteers funded by Rotarians taught the children. In that very poor community it was a sign of caring and hope to the children.
Several years ago the Rotary Foundation realised that if it spread itself too thin there was a danger of achieving nothing; so the Future Vision plan was developed. There are now 6 key areas that align with the Millenium goals of the United Nations and the Rotary
It was recognised that there are a many developing countries in the world where infant mortality, maternal mortality, low levels of participation in Education poor health status and poverty are rife. A strategic approach is required. The Foundation has developed three goals: The eradication of polio where there is significant progress; Creating a sense of ownership by every Rotarian in the Rotary Foundation and; Working towards a revamped Foundation. The end of polio is in sight with significant reductions in new cases in the few countries where it is still endemic.
Bill received a well deserved standing ovation for his speech.
Check out Wanganui Daybreak's excellent Bulletin here ...