Thursday, August 12, 2010

Trio Boyarsky

Melissa Moon accepts her
Senior Honorary Membership
Konstantin Boyarsky, DG Howard, Ben Baker
and Amelia Jakobsson-Boyarsky
The RC of Port Nicholson hosted the Trio Boyarsky as they travelled through Wellington for the South Island.  The Club was treated to a world premier of an original piece of Tango flavour - absolutely stunning and was received with a standing ovation.  Following the performance I had the honour of not only presenting Ben Baker with a Senior Honorary Membership to the Club, but also to Melissa Moon who is about to run up the tallest buildings in a circuit that goes round the world.  She is not only Building Continents, but running across them.  Both Ben and Melissa are wonderful Ambassadors for Rotary, demonstrating excellence of performance (in music and sport) where dedication and focus pays huge dividends.  And for those in Wellington, the Trio Boyarsky performs in the Old St Pauls on Friday 20 August at 5:30pm ($35 adults/$35 seniors) - tickets through Ticketek 04 842538). Go here for more details.


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