Thursday, August 12, 2010

Well done Dannevirke

Reported in their recent Bulletin!
"President Chris acknowledged the support of the Pahiatua Club and Robin Whiteman for joining forces with Dannevirke to promote Rotary as an organisation worth being a member of in the recent advertising in Bush Telegraph. Also for bringing with him a number of Pahiatua Rotarians and their visitors.
As August is membership month Dannevirke invited Rodney Wong, a former DG, to speak on membership and Rotary in general.

Why Me :
Rodney joined Rotary in 1994 and he went on to explain to those present various ideas regarding Rotary and reasons that he feels it is important to belong to a Rotary Club.
Being a member of Rotary can be quite emotional at times regarding some of the work members carry out to help their community. Two examples of work done recently in his area were when the German Tourist was murdered in Hawera, Rodney was the DG at the time and Rotarians rallied around to raise money and bring her parents out to NZ, help prepare the press conference, work with Police, arrange accommodation etc, all in a voluntary capacity.
A second example was last year when the special Olympics were held in Palmerston, they needed 500 volunteers for the event and through Rotary gained 900 volunteers. 2000 athletes and supporters came into the Manawatu and Rotary was very much a part of the event.
Rodney said when you become involved in events such as these you find surprises within yourself really.

Why You:
He mentioned some of the programmes that Rotary is involved in e.g. RYLA, Business week, Rotary Foundation. Cure Kids and Plunket were originally started by Rotary some years ago.
Emergency Response Boxes developed to help people in need get through the 1st Week after a disaster. Shelter Box where a large tent can accommodate up to 10 people for up to 6 months and all the equipment that goes with it. Polio Plus 99% wiped out just a few countries that need further work.
There is a huge amount of Anti Social behaviour around the world and we have an obligation to try and change that, and with many of the programmes Rotary is involved in to assist this aim there needs to be people to help.

Why Now:
The membership of Rotary is declining for many reasons over New Zealand which we all need to address. Every club chooses what it does - how much goes into NZ and how much goes to Rotary International and Rotary Foundation"

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