Dear District Governors
U.N has designated 24th October 2010 as World Polio Day and events have been organised to co-inside with this day.
For the week leading up to this event, The Rotary Foundation will be offering 2 for 1 recognition credit for every contribution of US$100 or more made to polio on-line.
This is a great incentive for Rotarians like you and I to get on-line via member access and make a commitment of a minimum of US$100 towards our $200 Million Challenge.
You are a Governor during what should be a very special year for Rotary International. With commitment from Rotarians worldwide we should reach our US$200 million target during your year as D.G. However to achieve this target we will need continued support from Rotarians, Clubs and Districts.
Thank you for your support and if I or any member of our Zone Team can assist please let us know.
Kind regards
John Cole
Zone 7B and part 8
Rotary International - Office Communication (read here.....)
Editor DG Howard: How can your Club and community mark United Nation's Polio Day on the 24th?
Greetings from District 7610: I am in route to San Francisco as I write this. Meeting up with 2000 Rotarians to celebrate World Polio Day. I am visiting 200 Clubs in 200 Days to build awareness of the Polio Plus Challenge. Take a look at my blog: