Saturday, September 11, 2010

The strength of collaboration!!

Great support from President Steve from South Wairarapa Club:

Making our actions count, today our Board approved a donation of $1,500 to RNZWCS for the Christchurch Relief Fund.

And, at some stage, feedback from RNZWCS would be appreciated on how the money was allocated; not just ours, but I'm sure all clubs would be interested to see a breakdown. (Ed - this has been guaranteed by RNZWCS)

You may also be interested to hear that on September 22nd, our club is having a joint meeting/ fund raiser with the Martinborough Lions Club, and it's been proposed that the profits from that evening be donated to the Christchurch Relief Fund. We have a long relationship with Martinborough Lions, who do great work for us managing the trestles at the annual Rotary Martinborough Fair, and we have an annual get-together where we raise funds for a specific purpose or charity.

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