Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Stroke Foundation - 14 May 2011

Hi fellow Rotarians - please  ask your Club if we can identify someone to assist with this very high profile project.  We are encouraging all Clubs this year to be Bolder - and this certainly does that.  Put this in your Club's calendar for next year.

We have an opportunity for Rotary to support a nationwide Blood Pressure Campaign. It has great potential and is a good profile opportunity for Rotary to build our communities.
Building on the success of the campaign last year, participating Rotary clubs will need to provide people for one day, on 14th May 2011 at a local New World/Pak and Save supermarket, to support St Johns medical people record blood pressure tests which are being done free. Rotary clubs can display their banner, hand out flyers etc.
The project needs a ‘district champion’ to work in with project initiator, PDG Pat Waite, and PDG Graham Douglass (New World) to make this happen. If you are interested in being a leader of this project, please contact Paul Newsom (District Convener, Club Project Support – Community), for more information. Tel 04 586 4733 or paul@salespartners.co.nz

The last campaign report reads....

The “Down with Blood Pressure!” campaign was part of Stroke Awareness Week, 7 – 13 September 2009. In partnership with Lions Clubs and St John, the Stroke Foundation set up approximately 110 “blood pressure sites” - mainly in participating New World and PakN Save supermarkets - across the country on Saturday, 12 September 2009. These sites provided information to the general public on stroke, high blood pressure and other risk factors for stroke, along with the offer of a free blood pressure check. Early analysis of incoming data indicates that between 10,000 - 12,000 people visited the sites. Of these, many were unaware of their current blood pressure levels, and a higher number than expected had elevated blood pressure readings"

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