Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas - a wonderful season

Just wanted to share my story from Christmas Gift Wrapping. A man and young boy came to get their presents wrapped and I got talking to them asking what they were doing etc for Christmas. Then the guy asked "Do you get paid well for this job"  I told him a little bit about Rotary and that we were a voluntary organisation etc and as a part of that we raise fund to help with community projects. I told him this year we were helping with resources in the local schools like books and things. The little boy said with a big smile on his face "like this year I got a dictionary from you guy's" I said yes that is what we are buying more of so more children can have one. I asked him what he thought of his dictionary and he said it was great and he loved it. As they left the father said "sweet" and they wished me a merry Christmas and off they went.
Just thought you might like to know how proud this little boy was of his dictionary and that it is all worth while.
Have a good Christmas see you in the New Year.

Bronwyn (RC of Porirua Sundown)