Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Shelter Box - such a valuable programme

ShelterBox District 9940 Update &  Sri Lanka Press Release
Over 1,000,000 people have been affected in the Northern, Central and Eastern provinces  of Sri Lanka following the recent flooding. Although flood waters have begun receding and people are returning to their flood-damaged homes, another 17,400 people still remain in camps. A total of 43 people have died and 51 persons have been injured while 4 are reported to be missing.
In addition to the flood-displaced, another 20,000 people have been displaced by the war and are still housed in government-run camps waiting for their resettlement, which may further be delayed due to the floods.
Rotary has sought ShelterBox assistance at this time and we in New Zealand have sent two ShelterBox Response Team members. One from our own District  9940 Lyndon Tamblyn and Walter Van der Klay from Rotary District 9970.

For more information contact our District Shelter Box coordinator:
Warren Irving
District 9940 ShelterBox Coordinator
P.O. Box 51 187  Tawa  Wellington  5028
New Zealand

(Check out the District Directory for more details - pages 86-87) 
or visit this web site