Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Vocational aspect of Rotary is vital

Rotary Down Under is about to launch an exciting new professional services & trades directory called “Rotarians in Business”. It will be exclusive to Rotarians in business and will be an internet-based directory housed on the Rotary Down Under website ( Listing will be free to any Rotarian wishing to advertise their business.

It is not compulsory and RDU will, under no circumstances, provide this information to any third party. It is designed to act as a “perk” of Rotary membership. If you want a solicitor, a carpenter, an electrician or an accountant, or maybe a florist, event organizer or any other type of business, it makes sense to do business with a Rotarian.

As this project is open to Rotarians only, RDU is relying on club Secretaries to provide the information required, as listed below. This way we can be assured that participants are all bona fide members of their Rotary club.

Please provide the following information for all members wishing to participate via email to

• Business type:
• Business name:
• Rotarian’s name:
• Rotary Club:
• Contact name:
• Phone:
• Mobile phone:
• Fax:
• Email:
• Website: