Sunday, February 20, 2011

Why are you a Rotarian?

By Frank J. Devlin , Past RI President (2000-2001)  and Friend of Rotary eClub One

As we prepare for the upcoming celebratory holiday season, I would once again like to share some thoughts on why I am thankful to be a Rotarian.

First of all, I am thankful for the many good works of The Rotary Foundation that each and every day changes lives around the world. Even the smallest projects have a significant impact. The work of The Foundation is truly Rotary's greatest legacy.
I am thankful for and proud of Rotary's extraordinary effort to eradicate polio worldwide.  We are now so close to wiping this scourge from the face of the earth and with the help of The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and a new vaccine that is having dramatic results, we are closer than every to reaching our goal.

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PRIP Frank Devlin will be visiting New Zealand in May and will be passing through Wellington on 10 May.