Sunday, February 20, 2011

Rugby Home Hosting - come to New Zealand!!

Friday 9 September 2011. The opening match between Tonga and the All Blacks! It’s not really that far away. But even before that day some of the expected 60-85,000 visitors will have arrived. Can you believe that all 4 million of us will be hosting these visitors from around the world? The wise decision by the organisers to have 23 cities and towns around New Zealand hosting teams gives us all the opportunity to be involved.

But where will all these visitors stay? Why don’t you, a Rotarian, take this opportunity to play your part as a host of international Rotarians who are following their teams from other parts of the world?
New Zealand Rotary clubs are working together to provide a home hosting opportunity for visiting Rotarians and also to support our international charity Polio Plus. If you have a spare bed or two why not have a look at the Rotary NZ Rugby Hosting website?
You would be expected to provide a bed and breakfast type service for rugby Rotarians who are visiting your town. You will not be expected to organise tickets but being Rotarians we know you will get fully involved and develop some lasting friendships. Each booking costs the visitor NZ$150 per night. Hosts will receive $50 to offset expenses, and the full proceeds of the programme will be contributed to the End Polio Now campaign.
The website has all the details of how the hosting programme will work (and a Q and A section) but if it is to work we need your support. Go and have a look and get involved in this once in a lifetime opportunity. The Rugby World Cup tournament won’t come to New Zealand again so now is your chance to show the world what generous and fun-loving people New Zealanders are.