Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Assembly is going to be valuable!

Sunday - 17 April - Palmerston North

Start pulling together your team to attend
District Assembly NOW!

This year at District Assembly we have 2 special sessions on Fund Raising and Charitable Trusts:  

Fund Raising 101 – Fishing for Funds

Every year we hear Clubs say that they struggle to find the funds that they need to support their communities. There are Clubs and many other organizations which seem to raise money relatively easily – what is their secret? What do they do that others don’t?

Fundraising 101 – fishing for funds will explore strategies and approaches that could help your Club refresh its fundraising efforts and who knows – perhaps there is an idea amongst all of us that could spawn a major fundraising?

Come and share – I guarantee you will take away a new idea!

This year at District Assembly we also have a special session on Charitable Trusts/Tax obligations

Most Clubs have formed a charitable trust. That was the easy part – now there are requirements that need to be followed if Rotary is to avoid the embarrassment of having your Club’s Charitable Trust being struck off by the Charities Commission because it missed filing its annual return, used the Trust for purposes outside its constitution, had trustees did not fulfill their obligations or the Club has been found to have used the Trust for Club activities?

That is the Trust what about the Club? I am sure that you will be aware that Clubs are now tax payers and are required to file a tax return each year?

It is CRITICAL THAT CLUBS ENSURE THAT ITS OFFICERS and TRUSTEES are fully informed and prepared with the information that they require before taking on their 2011/12 roles.

Come hear from people who can help you with advice, guidance and support!