Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Local Rotarian returns home

I received this note the last month from Colin Alford (Eastern Hutt) who had just returned from India.  For many years Colin has worked tirelessly to assist the development of communities in the foothills of the Himalayas through the RUCHI project.  Many Clubs in our District, as well as the New Zealand Government through NZ Aide, have contributed financially.

Hello everyone,

Learning centre supported by
Cadbury Kraft
I am back in one piece and smiling. (No issues, medical or otherwise)

It was a good trip with many different projects and activities. It was great to take part in a polio immunisation "house to house" in a slum
area in Chandighar. A rewarding and humbling experience.

A worthwhile trip and I am pleased to have done it.

He goes on to say:

Colin administering the magic drops
The polio immunisation "house to house" was great with around 40 Rotarians from various parts of the USA, Australia, Finland, Argentina, Canada and me from New Zealand, they were very kind to include New Zealand in their appreciation of the support from International clubs.

We had a good meeting with DG Madhukar Malhotra, the local AG and the Presidents of two local clubs.

Kind regards, Colin

For more details download this slide show on RUCHI