Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A city of contrasts

Another canyon of buildings
Our final day in New York.
Where in the world do you have buildings so tall, so eclectic and so close and in such close proximity - next to a park that is so large and spacious and peaceful?
Where else can you travel 102 floors up in 60 seconds, but it takes 2 minutes to call and travel in an old lift up 8 floors (in our 31st Street apartment)?
The tranquility next to
Ground Zero
Where can you see so many yellow cabs but have to wait for a horse drawn cart to cross the road?
Where can you view the United Nations building but only 5 minutes from Ground Zero which signifies the atrocities of this modern world?
You pass luxury apartment blocks of the world famous and turn the corner to some of the poorest areas in Manhattan.
It has been a great experience.  We are foot sore and ready to move on to London.

Preparing for our ride in
the slow lift to floor 8
Is your Club once of contracts?  Are you active in the community but no one knows of your activity.
Are you seeking members but no one is active in asking?
Are you keen to be involved in international activities but your Club has not ventured into developing a project?

Contrasts allow us to appreciate the necessity for action, the impact of change and the poignancy of our stand for world peace, understanding and international goodwill.

New York - a city of contrasts.  Your Club?  How many contrasts can be turned into opportunities?