Saturday, May 21, 2011

We have arrived in New Orleans

Don't you love airports!!
A traveling billboard for
'End Polio Now'
A long day.  Fighting queues at LA and then New Orleans.  Not the most favourite pastime for Jenny!  We finally got to our Hotel just on the edge of the French Quarter at 6pm -  great digs!  As we went walking down a Street, whose name I cannot pronounce, we bumped into PDG Tony and Sheryl - how about that.  We then decided, as we had not had any lunch, that a meal was overdue.  So we walked into the French Quarter and found a great place to
Tony is such a great guide!
Not too sure about those legs :-)

eat.  Tony said the prices looked very reasonable.  Yeah right!!  We found out later he was looking at the lunch menu!  
Anyway as we were led to our table we passed incoming world President Kalyan, his partner and a number of others enjoying a meal.  It was good to catch up briefly wtih him and he emphasised the importance of the Public Image role that I have picked up for next year.  He also said that membership would be given a greater focus in the coming year - he saw this as a true barometer in the effectiveness of Club programme and was a good indication of  the effectiveness of the public awareness programme. 
New Orleans cuisine - superb!
 Kalyan also mentioned he was keen to come back down into the Pacific in June - if this was possible.

Anyway, after a lovely meal we retreated back to our Hotel, had a nightcap with Tony and Sheryl and made plans for tomorrow.  The temperature is hot and humid as there is no sign of flooding!!

Read more about the programme here...