Sunday, June 26, 2011

It's the final countdown!

A great song and one that featured when we recently attended the Broadway production of 'Rock of Ages'.
But more importantly, it is the final week of this current Rotary year and I am advising that this Blog will conclude after a very full 12 months.
This week I will continue to post my final notes.  I am allowing notes to be added to this post for anyone wanting to make a comment or two (see below - don't be shy).
I have enjoyed my time as District Governor of 9940 - it has been a very fulfilling time for Jenny and me.  We look forward to a final round of Club Changeovers this week and next.  And I then really have an opportunity to focus 100% on my new role as Regional Public Image Coordinator for New Zealand and Pacific Islands as well as a number of Districts on the South Eastern coast of Australia.
I will be setting up another Blog which will focus on the exciting work of increasing the profile of Rotary in our community.  Feel free to follow me as my journey in Rotary continues.  Meanwhile, I'll be humming the 'Final Countdown' tune this week as I go about my daily tasks
For all those Presidents about to end their time leading their Club - congratulations on a great year.  There is no better time to belong to Rotary - and I encourage you to let others know so they can also be part of this wonderful international organisation - it 'rocks'!!.


  1. Thank you Howard and Jenny for an outstanding year. You've kept us so well informed about what is happening across the District. Such information has really helped to connect our clubs and inspired members to take action. I look forward to your new blog and to working with you in the year ahead.
