Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Notes from Changeover (Part III) - Increase Humanitarian Service

 Focus and increase humanitarian service

We should be proud of those Clubs who have developed new Projects as well as continuing the tried and proven projects.  A conservative estimate for any year suggests our 60 Clubs raise in excess of $1 Million towards our chosen Charities.  We can be extremely proud of this aspect of our Club activities.  Of course it is not just fund raising that we are good at.  The support we have given to the Blood Pressure Awareness campaign, the Red Nose Appeal, the Polio Riders (raising in excess of $50,000)  and the more recent Taveuni Ambulance project sponsored by Petone Club are examples of working together as one organisation across of country and the Pacific Islands.

And 30 of our 60 Clubs have achieved a RI Presidential Citation this year – a credit to our Presidents, their Teams and the support provided by the 12 Assistant Governors.

The new Avenue of Service - New Generations has been well represented in our programme.  A great job is done each year by Bill Byford and his team from the Taihape and surrounding Rangitikei Clubs.  The Youth Programme of Enrichment is such a great event.  We thank Peter Harvey and his team supporting our Youth Exchange Students – I encourage all Clubs to get in behind this project and offer to sponsor as well as provide young candidates to go overseas.  Joy Durrant has promoted and received an excellent response from members, with 3,000 Osborne Dictionaries distributed..  This is alongside and supporting the numerous Reading in Schools programmes.  A new initiative has introduced the Rotary Youth Driver Awareness programme into the District, supported by the Foxton Club and the drive of AG and now DGNN Deb Gimblett.  Ad then there is the very successful RLYA programme which was a major catalyst in the chartering of the new Rotaract Club – thanks to Plimmerton for your leadership.
Shelter Box continues to be well supported thanks to Warren with 22 being purchased this year.  Dave Wilson has been like a dog with a bone, massively achieving wonderful support  "This Rotary Year to Date a total of $45,664 or 76 Emergency Response Kits has been received from our Dist 9940 in ERK Donations from 28 different Rotary Clubs, 1 Inner Wheel Club, 3 Rotarians & RYLA 2011." Dave has visited 50 out of a total 60 Clubs this year - what a great commitment.
PDG John is our Regional Rotary Foundation
Coordinator - enjoying a spot of lunch
And then there is The Rotary Foundation.  Future Vision has been a real focus this year as the District (1 of a 100 world wide) has trialled new ways to administer grants.  Programmes have changed and there has been a lot of training, to  appreciate what the aim of this pilot is – to simplify the process and clarify understanding  of  what the Foundation can achieve both here and overseas.  The strategic plan has brought together the Rotary Clubs programmes to focus on developing and encouraging great emphasis on humanitarian projects.    The focus on 6 primary areas for the Global Grants has encouraged the increased enthusiasm being shown in using Foundation Grants for local and off shore projects.   Giving to the Foundation has also been a focus with many Clubs not only meeting but exceeding their goals.  I am pleased to announce that this year, APF NZ$151,129.... and Polio NZ$81,909.
A database for Alumni has been created and we will continue to add Group Study Exchange members.  Ambassadorial Scholars, Peace Scholars and others who have been involved in past Foundation programmes. This is a great potential source of new and Rotary focused members. Thanks to Doug Day and Helen Hancox for their efforts and enthusiasm.
The End Polio Now campaign is reaching its final stages.  The ‘This Close’ campaign world wide has emphasised we are so close to achieving our goal.  Your contribution to the $200M challenge remains important with the amount thus far contributed standing at $174.7M.
Our Education programmes, under the watchful eye of Brian Lynch, have continued to flourish with Ambassadorial Scholars being hosted and Vocational Scholars (Claire Achmad and Catherine Harwood) being sent overseas on study programmes.  This year will see two Peace Scholars on the short programme in Bangkok (Mary Stanley and Elaine Pratley).  And Victoria Cochrane, has completed the final stages of her 2009-11 Rotary World Peace Fellowship studies at Bradford University, UK. 
With our own Bill Boyd becoming Chair of The Rotary Foundation in July, we have every reason to believe this will encourage support for our charity through Centurion membership and increased per capita giving.