Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Notes from Changeover - Part IV (Public Image)

Enhance public image and awareness

 With our Public Image team led by John Bishop we have had a subcommittee breaking new ground looking at the effective way to use social media in support of our activities.  Some Clubs actively using these methods to promote their Club and Projects to their community.  A national Survey was undertaken earlier this year and the results presented at  District Conference.   The results provide real data for effectively targeting future media campaigns.  The Multi District PR group have used collective funding supported by a RI PR Grant to launch a national campaign that has seen positive results with membership enquiries and a greater awareness of what Rotary contributes to our society.  I am proud to report that the District Blog has received over 38,000 hits since it commenced in June of last year.  The District web site has been revamped thanks to the skill of AG Stuart Campbell from Feilding Club and with the cooperation of Noel Evans from Plimmerton.  Regarding future Public Image activity - watch this space!