Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Notes from Changeover (Part V) - Acknowledgements

This year has been a year of great challenge for our southern neighbours in 9970 – being the District under DG Margaret Reeve’s leadership and struggling to cope with a series of natural disasters both in Christchurch and also Greymouth.    We have seen the New Zealand community respond with such generous support.  Individual Clubs have contributed hugely and the Railway Station Collection (with Shelter Box and Emergency Response Kits on display) raised in excess of $17,0000 for a few hours collection.  People trust Rotary.  Working closely with NGOs and the Rotarians in Christchurch, these funds will certainly be put to good use.

I would like to acknowledge my Club Port Nicholson for their wonderful support this year. The Changeover which was part of PDG David’s conference got the year off to a great start.  Their support throughout the year has been significant and much valued by Jenny and me.  The District Conference (under the Chairmanship of Bob Moffat) was enjoyed by all who attended. I encourage you all to come back to Wanganui next year for Bob’s Conference which promises to be an event you won’t want to miss.  Jan Hains as the District Chronicle editor has done a sterling job each month.  Christopher Robertson has been invaluable in his support and the District Directory is a testimony to his efforts and skill.
The District leadership team has been great.  I created two new roles, one to have an overview of all project activity and the other to support Clubs in their admin.  To Kevin Stratton and Dale Williamson – I thank you very much.  And to PDG Pat, well done in negotiating another year of invaluable training with the South Pacific Combined District President Elects Training weekend in Auckland – and a huge thanks to PDG Judy for her leadership in making this a reality. 
Finally – a huge thanks to Jenny – she has organised me, pushed me in the right direction and kept my feet firmly attached to the ground making sure I was at the right place in the right time. 
Yes – it’s been another great year for our District and the scene is set for an even better year under Bob’s leadership.  We can rightly be proud of our district -  mindful of the fact that membership is still a number one priority,-  but if we have Clubs that are better in their programmes and bolder in their public awareness, I can see Rotary growing and continuing to make the contribution our society so desperately needs.
Thank you to you all – in 2010/11 you have made your Actions Count.