Monday, September 13, 2010

I've had a thought....

Why doesn't every Club create their own story?

Tonight one of the Rotarians I was talking to stated that although he had been in the Club for many years, when asked the question 'What does Rotary do?', found it hard to reply.
Wouldn't it be good to give each member a 'story' stating quite simply the following:
  • Our Club meets......
  • In the past 12 months we've helped .....
  • In the same period we have raised .......
  • We've helped the local school's by ........
  • Our plans this year are to .......
  • We are on the look out for members in our community who:
  • want to get involved in the community
  • are keen to make the community a better place for our children
  • are willing to use their vocation to assist others

I see this would give members confidence, provide a business like approach to getting a consistent message out to prospective members and also make members feel real proud of their Club.  Who will be the first to let me have their story?  I'll publish it on the Blog for other to see.

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