Monday, September 13, 2010

Johnsonville - friendly and focused

Michael is honoured.
President Geoff in charge!!
A great photo of the Club's Board
 Jenny and I enjoyed yet another visit to lively Club - this time it was Johnsonville who opened their doors and welcomed us.  A Board meeting prior to the Club meeting focused on the opportunities in their community and I congratulated them on the way they have worked to Build their Commnuity over the years - especially with their Book Fair and Christmas Festival.  Jenny was taken to the local Plunkett Rooms where she was shown the work the Club has completed (and is completing) in the building's refurbishment.  The meeting had all the sizzle and the members have plans to tell their story to those in their community.  President Geoff had much pleasure in awarding a Paul Harris Fellow to an unexpecting PP Michael Hodgen.  A great night and this is a Club about to release it's full potential.  Johnsonville is the better for this wonderful Club and the years of service given by its members.  Watch this space!!

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