Monday, November 1, 2010

Love it!!!! Goooooo Stratford!

At our meeting Thursday night I mentioned the Polio bike ride & suggested the following for our Club & was supported.  We do a sausage sizzle every Saturday in the main street & on the 18th dec we will have 2 or 3 exercycles next to us & will have invited a number of local celebrities to do a KM or two & give a donation for the priviledge. We have 13 KMs.?
We will publicise this in the local Press & encourage local folk as well. We will also say Stratford Rotary is starting the donation with $1000. So what do you think !!! [President Barrie of RC of Stratford reporting]
[I love it!!!! - and this will spark other ideas for the other Clubs thinking how to use their 13.4 KMs - DG Howard]