Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Two outstanding men

Tonight Jenny and I were invited to Eastern Hutt's meeting to recognise the achievements of two very generous men.
Dave Smith, DG Howard, Margaret Smith and PDG John
Firstly, Dave and Margaret Smith were welcomed as members of the Rotary Foundation Bequest Society, recognising their intention to bequest a sum of $10,000 USD to the Foundation.  It was not possible to present this recognition at the time of RIP Ray Klinginsmith's visit in August as they were both overseas.  So, in front of their very friendly Club, I was able to follow PDG John Cole in offering a tribute to Dave's service and to Margaret also.  His emotive speech at the end demonstrates just how passionate Dave is as a rotarian.

Dave read the following:  "Some of the most powerful forces in the world are invisible.  Electricity has never been seen by mortal men and yet it can and does turn the wheels of industry.  The power of Rotary in invisible and yet it performs miracles.  Beneath the good works of Rotary there is an invisible power;  it is the power of goodwill.  I believe this to be so."

Dr Swee Tan (PHF) receives his honary membership
My second great pleasure was to award Dr Swee Tan an Honorary MembershipMany will recall Swee speaking at our District Conference in Wellington.  A truly remarkable man - with compassion and a real gift at restoring dignity and quality of life to those he has helped.  A well published professional in the field of Craniofacial Research, Swee has shown the true ideals of any rotarian - giving of his professional skills to assist those who have suffered from birth marks, burns, skim cancer and many other deformities of the face and body.  The Rotary Club of Eastern Hutt wanted to show their appreciation for his work and he, and his lovely wife Sanchia, accepted the honorary membership as the members stood and applauded.

Two great men - both providing service and making their actions count!  A great evening.  

And a real focus on the value of The Rotary Foundation marking the first day of Rotary Foundation month - how appropriate!

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