Tuesday, November 30, 2010

End of the road....

Well not quite.,,,

Tonight Jenny and I were welcomed into the Mt Victoria Club for a final DG Visit - we had visited them prior but the venue was not suitable for the usual presentation.  It was a pleasure to relax and enjoy time with this small but active Club which meets in the Wellesley Club in the centre of Wellington on a Tuesday evening.  It was good to also have Catherine Harwood present.  Catherine is the first Vocational Scholar under the Future Vision Plan and will be funded using a Global Grant for 2011/2012 - going to District 1600 in The Netherlands.
My message to Mt Vic was simply:  change or fade away - embrace change, become more knowledgeable about Rotary, modify and adapt, invigorate and energise in order to develop new projects and new members.  Under President Ian's leadership the Club will do well. 

Simply irresistible!
I developed another acronym - likening a good Club to a great 'pav' - a New Zealand favourite.  A great 'pav' is hard to resist - it makes my mouth water just thinking of it sitting there ready to be eaten.  For a Club to be attractive and to make me want to join it must have the following ingredients -

P = people, members that are welcoming, committed, friendly, passionate and true 'rotarians';
A = activities. with a programme that connects with the community, that has a 'cause' and is vibrant and engaging of all members; and finally the
V = venue - one that is enjoyable to be in, good food, well appointed, local and within easy reach for members.  I see Mt Victoria Club as being a very good 'pav' - the next step is to put it on the table i.e. to ask Wellingtonians to consider joining a dynamic group of like minded individuals.

I like RID Stuart's "core essence" statement which states:  Rotary is a world wide network of inspired individuals who translate their passion into relevant social causes to change lives in communities.

Rotary on the move!

An excellent read ...

Simple, Practical, Achievable, Easy Strong Support available for every Club.
“ Caring for the Rotary family ”
“ Can’t think of anyone to invite to Rotary? ”

News report of RIPE Kalyan's visit

RIP Elect Kalyan Banerjee in Tauranga
Sunlive in Tauranga reports...

It was a priviledge to meet Kalyan who was present at the recent Interdistrict Institute in Tauranga.

Movember - a good cause

Rob Klaassen and Gary Lawrence supporting Movember, raising money for
Prostate Cancer and Male mental health this year.
Kapiti Club believe that few if any rotary clubs have taken up this challenge this year.
Is this true? 

Rob writes:

Our team is registered here http://nz.movember.com/mospace/50821/. For more information on Movember and the charities it supports you can read here http://nz.movemberfoundation.com/research-and-programs .

We are the only Rotary team in New Zealand to be participating. I see there are now a couple in Australia doing it as well.

WASRAG - Water Projects

Polio eradication put Rotary on the humanitarian map. Water and sanitation will build on that reputation - if we do it right!  It is one of the areas of focus of the Future Vision. Wasrag and TRF complement each other perfectly. 

Read more ...

Monday, November 29, 2010

Deadlines * 2

IPDG David Watt is keen to hear of any in our District wanting to join Jenny and me at International Convention in New Orleans next May.  He would like to know now as early bird registration closes by the end of this month.  Email David today....

Second - is your Club considering donating Christmas puddings to assist with supporting Pike River Mine community?  If so, contact Chris Woudenberg.  

Good to also report another Club who has given their Sergeant session of $856.10 to the West Coast Lend a Hand Foundation.

Thankyou District 9940. 

The Wow Factor - who is keen?

As a family of Rotarians we have opportunities to work together and play together.


Here is an opportunity too good to miss.
Neville Boyce of Kapiti Club is keen to get a group together to bike the MacKenzie Country.
Neville biked the Taupo Challenge at 77yrs of age!!


Neville writes:

The background to this is that I and a relation have a booking with Pure Trails New Zealand (based in Christchurch) for their Mackenzie Country ride from 8 -12 February 2010. It appears we are the only booking for this particular trip, and they want us to transfer to another trip on 8 - 12 March as they need a minimum of 6 participants per trip.

Christmas Cheer for West Coast residents

Hi Howard,

So far we have commitment for 540 puddings for Pike River from 9910 9920 and 9930 , I want to get to 1000. The price should be $15.00 (not $18.00) per pudding. 


Chris Woudenberg
President Ellerslie Sunrise Rotary Club

Have you checked out the Rotary Pudding Web Site,

Contact Chris directly by emailing him

Saturday, November 27, 2010

And now it's over!

Boy it was hot!!
DG Handbag Murray (9910)
Thousands - in fact close to 10,000 competitors and then all the families and support people with 1,000 volunteers organised by the Rotarians in an event started in 1977.
The organisation was superb, the profile of Rotary in the event was excellent and the racing and participation was absolutely wonderful.  Youngest was 10 years of age and there were 60 participants who were 70 years or older - the oldest was 82years!!  Some did 40km (as the DG Handbags did as a team of 4), some bicycled 2 legs, others went round the Lake once, while there were some who went around 8!!! times (they started their cycling on Wednesday) 
DG Peter (9930) on the start platform
Any way, we are tired and proud that we (or should I say the DG's handbags - the partners of the DG's for 9910, 9930, 9940 and 9970) completed the course.

$69,000 has been given to  @ Heart, $100,000 given to the volunteer organisations and there were donated prizes to the participants (one Australian one a trailer load of goodies and donated it to @ Heart) - even a car - yes a Skoda!
A great day, for the community, for the health of those participating, the families involved and the Taupo region.  Will we do it again next year ....... maybe/maybe not.
Handbag Jenny (9940) and Murray (9910)
This morning (Sunday) we attended a Taupo Moana breakfast at the local Yacht Club - where we met up with the members and partners of the other riders.  There were 16 Rotary relay teams with ages ranging from 17 to 77 years of age.  The DG Handbags came second to last - but it is the 'taking part that counts".  Papamoana was the Club that secured the trophy from Masterton South who came a close second and third.  Of the 16 teams, 9940 contributed 8 of them.  The sergeant session was towards the Pike River community.
The intrepid Handbags Simon (9980);
Jenny (9940) and Rebecca (9930)

The challenge for 9940 next year is to get an even bigger representation of 9940 participating.
Those Clubs that submitted teams were:
  • Masterton South - 2 teams
  • Kapiti
  • South Wairarapa
  • Takaro
  • New Plymouth North - 2 teams
  • Palmerston North
A video of the weekend is 'in production'