Monday, November 1, 2010

“A little bit of fun never hurt anyone!”

A Public Relations exercise for all Clubs to use to everyone's advantage!

“A little bit of fun never hurt anyone!”
– MC Kerre Woodham at the Cure Kids Red Nose Day 2010 launch

The fun has started!

Following the launch of Red Nose Day at a Cure Kids event the previous night, which was attended by a number of Rotary District 9910 and 9920 representatives, Meadowbank Paper Plus and the Rotary Club of St Johns in Auckland were the first in New Zealand to kick off Red Nose Month 2010 which runs from 1 November to Red Nose Day on 19 November.  

With the Red Nose Day song playing in the Meadowbank shopping centre on 28 October, it was so easy to get public support for Cure Kids by buying a red nose, badge, wrist band or even a car nose, and it was huge fun supporting Cure Kids as well!  In fact, everyone had a great time, as captured in the attached photos.  Classic Hits were there, as was Clifford the big red dog from the kids story book.  There was also face painting and colouring in for the kids, and the team got to meet Vicki Lee, CEO of Cure Kids. 

Rotary in New Zealand is of course the Community Partner for Cure Kids $1 million Red Nose Day campaign, so Rotary clubs throughout New Zealand are encouraged to approach their local Paper Plus, Take Note or Office Spot store to offer to support their creative Red Nose Month/Day activities. Many Rotary clubs have already done this – have you? Cure Kids Retail Partner Paper Plus Group does the organisation, so Rotary support is easy and very beneficial.  For example the PR value for St Johns Rotary was huge, plus they got four hot membership prospects out of just a couple of hours involvement by seven Rotarians that left lots of people with red noses, and a new awareness that Rotary is active in their community. 

On Friday 19 November you could also host a special Red Nose Day morning tea for your work colleagues and friends who will hopefully all wear red noses, Red Nose Day badges and/or wrist bands.   Try cooking Allyson Gofton’s new recipe for delicious Red Nose Day Jaffa cupcakes.

The possibilities to have fun raising funds for Cure Kids research into life-threatening childhood illnesses are endless …

It's all about the kidsRed Nose Day is a great excuse to try something fun, to try something new - are you up to it?

For more information, please go to:
· for Red Nose Day and PR resources, including the Red Nose Day song and a list of Paper Plus, Take Note and Office Spot store contacts
· for a short video clip of the first Red Nose Month 2010 event 
· for the Red Nose Day Jaffa cupcakes recipe
· for Red Nose Month/Day updates 

Best regards,

Beryl Robinson
Past District Governor of Rotary International District 9920
Rotary Appointed Member of Cure Kids
021 652 802