Thursday, November 25, 2010

Rotary's Response - Pike River Tragedy

Add your Club's response to this posting so we can share ideas

This email was sent to DG's for all NZ Districts, Presidents and Secretaries for District 9920 Inc for the 2010/2011  Rotary Year.

Dear All,

To all Clubs

From a suggestion by the Rotary Club of Milford Inc who wished to donate 24 Rotary Christmas Puddings to Greymouth has come the idea of getting clubs to collectively donate 1,000 puddings into Greymouth.  Several clubs have so far donated towards this from a carton plus - the suggestion is a couple of cartons (12 puddings) each but whatever support you are prepared to make is appreciated.  Distribution is likely to be either via Rotary in District 9970 or the Salvation Army (method yet to be determined). 

Please contact me if you would like to support the west coast community at a time when all support is needed. Cost per pudding is $15 each and my company will donate the freight.  The Rotary Club of Ellerslie Sunrise Inc annualy supplies clubs with Rotary Christmas Puddings.

Please send me your response. 

Chris Wouldenberg
Rotary Club of Ellerslie Sunrise Inc
[DG Howard - I am sure each Club will have their own way to show their love and concern for our comrades in Greymouth - and perhaps this is a suggestion that you may care to support] 

Add your ideas to this posting by clicking on 'Comments' link below


  1. Clubs in 9940 are encouraged to hold collections from their members and details of how these funds will be collected is to be communicated shortly - DG Howard

  2. DG Howard writes: I received a response from 9970 this morning stating that it is not so much money that will be required but something more tangible. They suggested hampers - they like the Christmas Pudding idea.

  3. The Sergeant session at the Monday 29 November meeting of the Rotary Club of Wellington will be for the Pike River Relief Fund.

    Colleen Singleton, President

  4. Hi

    540 puddings committed so far and the price should have been $15.00 each not $18.00. So come on your clubs in 9940 send me you "YES" and make that commitment

    Ellerslie Sunrise Rotary Club
