Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Rotary ready to assist in 9970

Dear Tony

I have been discussing what Rotary can do to help on the West Coast with our local Rotary President Murry Cave.
We understand that the families involved and the entire community is under a considerable amount of strain at the moment and this will increase as the time is extended.
Pike River Coal Mine

I would appreciate it if you can pass on to those involved, the families, the rescue team and the community that the thoughts of Rotary International and particularly Rotarians in New Zealand are with them and all Coasters and I know that Murry has already received many emails from Rotary clubs both in New Zealand and offshore passing on this message.

We are aware that this is time for the community but as time passes and the situation becomes clearer, there may be ways in which we can help. I'd like to extend that offer to you now and when the time comes please do not hesitate to ask for our assistance either directly or through Murry Cave at the Rotary Club of Greymouth.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Margaret Reeve
Governor Rotary District 9970

And the response:

Dear Margaret Reeve (DG 9970)

Thank you for your best wishes and prayers following the explosion at the Pike River Mine on Friday. It is an emotional time for our community as many have ties in some way to the miners. It is also an agonising wait for the families for safe conditions to be confirmed so rescue officers can enter the mine and bring our boys home. We appreciate your thoughts and offer of help.

Best regards

AF (Tony) Kokshoorn