Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Saddness grips our country

Such a tragedy - the loss of 29 miners at Pike River Mine has shocked the country and our hearts go out to those families who have suffered the loss of loved ones.  I am sure Rotarians around the world and especially in New Zealand will show their support.

Here are some of the messages recorded on the local news web site.

My condolences to the families of the miners.

I'm shocked and so deeply saddened by the news. Please know that there are candles burning at homes all around NZ for you all tonight.

We are so very sad for your losses, kia kaha!

Our love and thoughts are with you during this sad time.

Can't imagine the pain you are all going through. My heart goes out to you and know it will only help that the coast is a special caring place to share in your grief.

My thoughts and prayers are with you. I can find no adequate words to express what I want to say but simply to say that my thoughts and prayers are with you all.