Thursday, November 25, 2010

Wanganui Day Break Bouquet

A big bouquet to Jim Pring and his merry band of helpers who collected for Red Nose Day at Trafalgar Square last Friday. A number of club members helped while others roped in their mothers nieces etc. It is expected that at least $1000 will have been raised
for Cure Kids. This charity supports medical research around children. Their research around cot death has been important in reducing infant mortality in New Zealand.

PS  Last night Jenny and I were invited by Cure Kids to the Westapc Stadium to watch the Phoenix play.  They wished to thank Rotary for our support.  Also at the Stadium I met up with Dr Swee Tan (Honarary Rotarian of Eastern Hutt) and his lovely wife - and another opportunity to hear from Swee his wonderful hope-giving work.