Tuesday, November 23, 2010

This Close - US$200 Million Challenge

Great strides have been made this Rotary year to reach the US$200M Challenge.  To date we have raised over US$ 152 million. The Foundation is confident that in this Rotary Year we will raise the US$200 million towards the eradication of polio. We are this close to eradicating polio and with your efforts and support we will be even closer.

To better assist you, the resources listed below are available:
1.) Check out our revamped End Polio Now website featuring our This Close campaign
2.) Keep track of our progress in reaching $200 Million
3.) Reference rotary.org for fundraising ideas in your community

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to Rotary’s US $200 Million Challenge. Your hard work is instrumental in meeting our commitment to The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and brings us one step closer to eradicating polio forever. By Building Communities – Bridging Continents, together we will END POLIO NOW.
John F. Germ, Chair
Rotary’s US$200 Million Challenge Committee