Friday, December 17, 2010

20,002 visits - thankyou

Hi followers of this DG Blog - thanks for your support over the last 6 months.  Never did I realise that the simple act of communicating could be so powerful.
Although it is Christmas time I will still be adding postings (perhaps not so regularly as every day :-)).
Jenny and I are looking forward to a rest and to enjoy family and friends over the next few weeks.
Rotary Clubs throughout the world make a significant impact on the lives of others.
RI President Ray has inspired us to
get back to basics
It is a privilege to be part of this organisation and I would encourage you all, wherever you are in the world, to encourage those who you contact who are passionate about improving their world, to consider joining the cause as we continue to be busy Building Communities and Bridging Continents.

PS.  I plan to hold a workshop or two for those wanting a guide in setting up their own Blog.  Watch this space!!