Friday, December 3, 2010

Shelter Box Update - can your Community provide one?

In 2010 ShelterBox celebrated its ten-year anniversary and faced some of its biggest challenges to date.

From the Haiti earthquake to the Pakistan floods, ShelterBox has proved time and again the absolute need for high quality emergency shelter to protect the lives of families that are threatened every year following disasters of all types and magnitudes.

The below newsletter includes a round-up of all ShelterBox’s work through the year including all our current deployments. There are still ShelterBox Response Teams (SRT) working in Indonesia, the Philippines and Colombia, delivering emergency shelter and lifesaving supplies to families who have lost everything in a disaster.

ShelterBox Founder and CEO, Tom Henderson, said: ‘Our work would not be possible without the dedication of everyone who has supported ShelterBox this year and in years gone by, especially our wonderful volunteers. On behalf of everyone around the world involved with ShelterBox, thank you. Your support has helped save and protect hundreds of thousands of lives.’

Click here to read December’s edition of One Voice in full