Thursday, January 6, 2011

Every month is membership month!

I read this this morning on LinkedIn - a social media web site for professionals.

The discussion starter was:

Our District Governor says Rotary in the US is shrinking at an alarming rate. I am personally visiting 55 club's in our district to suggest strategies that can change this phenomenon. (posted by Alan Adler)

One response I really liked was:

I have been to too many "build membership" seminars, at club meetings and district conferences. The problems are (and not necessarily in this order)
  1. A Member has to personally invite someone to come and has to sponsor and shepard him/her. Blanketing businesses with photocopied invites won't work!
  2. Too many clubs are STILL not reaching out to women...
  3. OLD members must allow YOUNGer members to lead
  4. No one joins a club that does nothing at meetings but eat. The meetings have to engage the person that is personally invited. Speakers have to be interesting.
  5. "Bake sale" fundraisers are not engaging. Once someone has attended a couple of meetings, and feels some of the comradery... then the fund raising and activities have to be meaningful and engaging. The same-old-same-old things year after year with one or two people leading won't cut it.

BUT, the number 1 thing: Rotarians have to WALK THE TALK and get out there and ask younger and new people to come along and join. FOR A PURPOSE! 

Thanks 'Marcia'
As it is said, "People today don't join clubs or organisations, they join causes!"

Check the membership tab above to see how your Club is performing with new members