Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New year - new leaders

See latest here ...

As  I write, DGE Bob Smith and Margaret are attending International Assembly where they will be meeting with all the other world DG Elects and their incoming RI President Kalyan Banerjee in San Diego.
Training is such an important part of Rotary's programme - advising, motivating, coordinating and focusing the efforts for the 2011/2012 year.  

It is good to see most Clubs represented at South Pacific PETS - has your Club registered yet?

Part of this effort in our District is through the Rotary Leadership Institute programme.  If you missed the first of these sessions last year, make sure you get in early to register:

Stimulating thoughtful sessions
that are relevant for your Club

Saturday 12 February
Course 1 - limited to 20 members (sponsored by their Club)
Course 2 - for those who attended the first course last year

It will be held in Wellington (one is scheduled to happen further north in the District)

More details on how to register for the 12 February are here ...

Go to the RLI web site for more information - aimed at educating our future leaders in the organisation.

PDG Beryl Robinson - our
national RLI Coordinator
RLI seeks to have Rotary Clubs in its member districts identify those Rotarians who appear to have the potential for future club leadership (not necessarily as club presidents) and provide those so identified with a quality education in Rotary knowledge and leadership skills so important in voluntary organizations.