Sunday, January 16, 2011

They've made it!!

Well done Xaver and Ollie - making it from Cape Reinga to the Bluff!
Well done to all New Zealand and Pacific Island Districts
Well done for all those fund raisers
Well done to all those celebrities who supported
Well done for all those who donated

Well done !
And it was Xaver and Ollie's 'dream' to do this that made it all happen

(already pledged)
DG Trish Boyle (9980)
with Mayor Tim Shadbolt and
our intrepid cyclists!
Their blog states:
At 10.15 this morning the Journey of Hope reached its destination at Land's End, the southern-most extremity of the South Island.
Xaver and Oliver have cycled more than 3300 kilometres to raise awareness about polio and to raise funds for Rotary's global PolioPlus campaign.Both say the achievement creates a mixture of feelings - elation at having finished but also a sense of loss now that the daily focus has been removed.Invercargill Mayor, Tim Shadbolt, was on hand at Bluff to mark the completion of the journey.
Xaver and Oliver have a few days of activity planned in the South Island before they both head off to resume their 'normal' lives.