Sunday, January 16, 2011

Queensland flooding - volunteers respond!

Disaster Aid Australia (DAA) is a recent humanitarian project that has been formed to provide relief especially in the Pacific, but has also provided relief in recent times to Pakistan and Sudan. DAA provides an innovative Australian-based humanitarian aid package: one that provides those in need with a new start in family units within their communities.
This is a project out of the Rotary Club of Endeavour Hills - Australia.

 For more information visit their web site here ...

In a recent news release they reported the following:

As we all watch in horror with heavy hearts as these tragic events unfold, Disaster Aid Australia, together with its international partners Canada, USA, UK & Ireland have offered to assist in any way we can. Although our charter is to provide humanitarian aid in developing countries, we cannot stand by without making that offer.
Disaster Aid Australia General Manager, Jenni Heenan said, “we have been in contact with the Queensland government authorities offering support and aid in the form of tents and also the expertise of our Disaster Aid Response Team members. Our teams recently returned from flood devastated Pakistan and are on standby to assist should the authorities make a request.”
Today, Disaster Aid Australia also contacted the Victorian authorities to offer assistance to those in Western Victoria who have been evacuated from their homes due to floods. “They know we are here if needed,” said Jenni Heenan.

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