Thursday, February 24, 2011

News on Christchurch Earthquake


Due to the extreme difficulties being experienced with all forms of communication into and from Christchurch (phone and email), District 9970 have requested that all Rotarians and clubs use as your FIRST source of information about the Rotary response to the Canterbury Earthquake. The New Zealand and Pacific Islands Rotary website contains contact information for contributions and donations of all types and will be continually updated with new information as this becomes available. Updates and news of Rotary’s involvement can be emailed to and these will be posted as soon as possible.

The thoughts and best wishes of all Rotarians are with the people of Canterbury at this time. The Rotary response from around the world has been significant and as information is collated this will be posted on the website.

This email has been sent at the request of District 9970 (Ross Skinner) and the Multi-District Public Image Committee to all club presidents, AGs, DG/E/N/NN and those involved with Rotary public image.

Best regards,
Colin Robinson

Webmaster –
Multi-District Public Image Committee